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 Hey!!! Welcome to my blog!!! My name is Tyrone McIntosh and I am a student of The GC Foster College of Physical Education and Sport. I am currently enrolled to achieve my Bachelors in Education. This is blog is a piece of my stay here at my college, the data in this blog entails that of my work done in the Education Technology module. I hope you enjoy the data of work I left here. πŸ™‚
Recent posts

My reflection πŸ€”πŸ¦Ί

  Education Technology for me has been an amazing experience of what the wonders of technology can actually do. In this course I have created: podcasts, interactive PowerPoints, teaching plans, digital stories and finally my blog that you are reading this on. This course has enlighten me with the fact that learning with technology doesn’t have to be a bond experience. The ISTE standards that I made connections for in this course mostly were: Collaborator, Designer and Facilitator. The collaborator standard came out when I had to work in pairs for some activities with my colleagues to reach a certain goal, the work done in this standard allowed me to effectively analyze the behavior of my colleagues and even learn a few skills from them. The designer standard came to life when we were tasked with activities like creating interactive PowerPoints and digital stories, the work was given and we were tasked to bring it life using technology and I did exactly so. The final ISTE standard I mad

Goalkeeper Podcast πŸŽ€πŸŽ™

   This podcast was specifically done on my favorite position in football (goalkeeper). This podcast was done and to highlight the catching technique of goalkeepers. The reason for this is of my own preference seeing that I feel as if goalkeepers are criminally underrated on the football field. I published new episode:Goalkeeper teaching podcast (catch), please check it out.

Google sites

   This website page is done solely for the intent of going in depth with the different positions played in football, whenever you feel the need to learn more about a position in football you can simply click on the on that you are interested in.  Goalkeepers   Defenders Midfielders Forwards

Webquest πŸ“–

  This is an overview of a webquest that was done as an assignment to educate or shine light to learners that may not know about the various positions played in football. This webquest entails everything about the playable positions in football and how they operate.

My Personal Philosophy ✨

My personal Philosophy for Education technology is that every means of teaching and learning should not be dismissed and with this said, I believe that the integration of technology into teaching and learning can prove to be fundamental to the new era that we are heading in. Technology should be used in the classroom because I believe that it is more appealing to the standard approach as mostly students love visually attractive views. The advantages of using technology in the classroom are that the learning process can be accelerated as students have easier/quick access to information while having fun while they practice what they learn, on the other hand some disadvantages may arrive because the technology will prove itself to be distracting to the students are they may be misguided by false info on the internet.