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My reflection 🤔🦺

 Education Technology for me has been an amazing experience of what the wonders of technology can actually do. In this course I have created: podcasts, interactive PowerPoints, teaching plans, digital stories and finally my blog that you are reading this on. This course has enlighten me with the fact that learning with technology doesn’t have to be a bond experience. The ISTE standards that I made connections for in this course mostly were: Collaborator, Designer and Facilitator.

The collaborator standard came out when I had to work in pairs for some activities with my colleagues to reach a certain goal, the work done in this standard allowed me to effectively analyze the behavior of my colleagues and even learn a few skills from them. The designer standard came to life when we were tasked with activities like creating interactive PowerPoints and digital stories, the work was given and we were tasked to bring it life using technology and I did exactly so. The final ISTE standard I made a connection with was the facilitator standard and this was done when my partner (jeremy) and I had to teach a lesson, then and there we became facilitators to our class and that was an amazing experience. The broad spectrum of this course gave me so much more information about technology to truly see it as a step forward for the future of teaching and learning.
